I knew without a doubt that I was supposed to be sitting there if only to intercede for this man. So I prayed. The man then suddenly showed me a picture of his granddaughter which sparked conversation. He told me about his children and then about his son who had died and then he gave me the exact amount of days that his son had been gone from this earth and gave details of his death. I listened and told him that everything that he was feeling was to be expected and that I couldn't ever imagine losing a child. I also told him that I had already been praying for him and that I would continue to pray. He thanked me for listening and for praying for him and then he gave me his name, Mark. His son’s name was Russell. The stylist called his name which is when I saw the sign that said cash or check only of which I had neither…
So I got up and went back to the original place where I had my name on a list, feeling hopeful that God was beginning a work in this man’s life. When I got home I researched the accident and found that the memorial service was held at our church and was led by my pastor! This has only confirmed God’s hand in this. I know that the Lord led me to be there today to listen to this man and pray for him. He’s boldly suicidal and if nothing else needs all of our prayers, he needs God’s intervention which I believe has already begun. I have informed my pastor of the happenings and look forward to seeing God work in this man's life. If and when you think of this man please lift him and his family up in prayer. He needs God's hope.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13