Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeschool: Day 1

Well today was an interesting, scary, nerve racking day.  We started homeschool today.  I haven't homeschooled the kids for three years!  A lot has happened since then.  They're older, smarter and less amused by my antics.  Meme woke up and was so excited, she said, "Mom I have butterflies in my stomach."  I knew then that I had to step up my game. 

The summer flew by way too fast, and I am in no way shape or form ready or organized for homeschool.  I just ordered their math curriculum, some of which hasn't even arrived!  I had planned on doing a unit study to cover most of the other subjects, but what we would be studying, I had no clue! 

Lord help me!

So we organized our school supplies and binders, then I had them write a paragraph about what they expected out of homeschool and their personal goals for this year.  The paragraph thing was on a total whim, because I wanted them to feel as though they had actually done something.  Then we got ready and went to the library for this weeks readings.  We did learn a little about finding books at the library, and that's something right? 

We are doing a unit study is on the Civil War.  I have lesson plans in place, books to read, projects to do, and we will prevail, get organized and on schedule and then we will succeed, I promise. 

Its hard not to feel like homeschool has to be a certain way every day, in fact one of the many benefits of homeschool is that it doesn't.  Tomorrow is a new day, I even have a plan for tomorrow!   One day at a time, right?!  

"As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Be strong and of a good courage." (Joshua 1:5-6)


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