This move felt like the longest move in history, it went on and on, glad that's over! We are very happy in our new home! There's still a lot I need to
Speaking of Git R Done, the series Larry the Cable Guy only in America on the History Channel, is seriously one of my new favorite shows! I think because Larry could seriously be a part of my family, his humor never gets old to me. Last night I watched a re-run of an episode where he's in Georgia making moon shine, and would you believe one of my distant relatives was on that episode! I'm not even kidding, I come from a long line of moon shiner's I shoulda known:) I screamed when they said the last name!! Wow, totally off subject, sorry, A.D.D kickin' in...
I've been working hard on my Etsy shop, trying to add new items everyday! I truly love my Etsy, it brings me a lot of joy...
Etsy takintime |
"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them."
John 17:13