Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sincerely 'Fro Me To You!

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brought to us all by We are THAT Family!

I can't believe it's been this long since I've done a 'Fro post...Please Enjoy! Oh and, Mom, I love you!

Here's the story: Mother's Day weekend 2008. My mom and I met up with our sweet friend Kendra and her daughter Nicole for a girls weekend. We had a blast! Our first night together we went to dinner, and as usual, we got to laughing...We were taking picture of each other doing different looks.

Here's my mom and I, me doing the crazy face of course. I guess Mom didn't get the memo.

Kendra then, as we requested, gave us her best bedrooms eyes!

HAHAHAHA! This is me and mom laughing with "the grimace" on our faces:0

And. Then. My sweet mama decided to giver 'er a try...

And this was the end result.

Seriously? These are "bedroom" eyes? SCARY! Oh, I mean pretty.

I'd like to give a special shout out to my beautiful mom for being such a good sport and for graciously forgiving me for posting this! I gotta tell you that I'm a little bit scared right now...Payback...In my family...SCARY! I'm going to have to start packin' and I don't mean clothes:) HeeHee!


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