Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Breath

This is what I've been reminding myself to do lately. I've been so busy doing nothing at all important, and yet somehow I'm outta time. Just breath I tell myself.

I'm cravin' chocolate like a banshee or is it banchi?, so I assume Aunt Flo-la is on her way into town. I mean Seriously?! I thought she was just here, geez-louise talk about over bearing!

Facebook took over my life for about a week or was it longer? I'm not sure due to the Facebook trance I found myself in. Then my friend Tamara, from September Serendipity, told me to be careful Facebook can be addicting. She was telling me what I had already thought to myself, she was absolutely right, so I've cut back I get on there quickly to check my messages and then off I go. As if I needed something else to do in my life right? Just breath.

So I'm taking a deep breath in and out and then in again. I did find some "Goodies" from Goodwill this week. Needless to say the NO Spend month is out the door. Oh well.

So that's that. I just wanted to check in, so all my peeps didn't worry. Ha! As if I have peeps. Love you Mom and all who are here reading this because she told you to:) And Love to my 16 followers! Really, I feel like we know each other and I love it! Ya'll come back now, ya here!


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