Friday, December 19, 2008

Summary of My Week Fa La La La La!

A recap of my week because I know that you're at the edge of your seat, biting your finger nails in wonder. I mean, really people, I have so many fans, let's see here, let me count 'em...1...2...10 followers! Jeez-Loueeze! I can't believe it, I'm already up there with blogs like the Pioneer Woman and We Are THAT Family! HAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah Right!

I do love my peeps though! My 10 peeps. I'm always so excited when I get someone new following my blog (HINT! HINT!). Holy Cow!, let's get back to the recap shall we~

We had a good, crazy week. A couple 2-hour delays due to a dusting, literally, of snow. Where we come from they don't have 2-hour delays, they never close the schools. I remember walking Austin to school one morning and the snow was past my knees deep. People in these parts though, have no clue what to do with themselves when a skiff of snow hits the ground.

We made a gingerbread house, which was really fun. It turned out great! I wrapped some presents and put them under the tree, since the kids no longer believe in Santa, which is actually quite nice. I mean finally they'll realize that the presents aren't FREE, they were a gift given by two parents who worked very hard to get them. In years past it's like the kids were opening up their presents all excited and unappreciative, after all who is there to thank Santa done went back to the POLE, all the while Mommy and Daddy are rationing their meals. "Here's your grain of rice honey, I'm going Christmas shopping for the kids now." Not really, but I did feel that way sometimes, a little.

Oh and we also had an extremely dramatic grocery shopping trip that you can read more about on my Not Me! Monday post this coming Monday. All I'll say is D-R-A-M-A!

The humor in this picture is that he wouldn't even try to take it off because he could see through it. I thought it was funny anyway...Another thing funny is Steve's slippers, his flesh colored, moccasin slippers.

We are all super duper excited for Christmas Break which is Finally here. We rented movies, bought a pizza and we're going to look at Christmas lights tonight. Not to mention there's only 5 more days until Christmas! Are you ready?

Diego's ready, humiliated yes, but also ready! He does usually look sweeter and happier than this:)

"Merry Chrithmath!"


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