Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Look Mom Real Dust Bunnies how Life is Grand!

No folks, this isn't a real critter, although I know one could easily make that mistake. This, my friends, is a pile of hair that I sweep up at least once a day, yes I said at least. Believe it or not this isn't even a very big pile compared to some days. Gross, I know. I'm just glad we have all hard wood floors, can you imagine if we had carpet, double eew?!

I'm not sure how Dozer still has hair, but by golly he does, and it just keeps a comin' and waiting for me to sweep 'em up. I curse him at least once a day because of this craziness. Grrr!

BUT you know what? The sun is shinin' today and I was presented with my very first award by my friend Donnetta over at Life in the Fast Lane. She's so sweet!

All I have to do is list 5 reasons why Life is Grand to get to keep this Award!
Here they are:
1. I am blessed with three beautiful, amazing, healthy children.
2. I am surrounded by love and laughter every single day!
3. I have a wonderful, supportive, loving, giving, kind, handsome husband who I love with all my heart.
4. I have the most amazing family in the world.
5. I am forgiven by a gracious God.

I would love to pass this award to all of you, just copy & paste the award and then list 5 reasons why your Life is Grand!
One more thing, please show some love to Donnetta and visit her. If you don't know her yet, she's amazing!
Oh my goodness, oh my soul, I've got one more thing to tell ya'll!
We Are THAT Family is holding a Valentine's Day Carnival
and it is too cool, check it out!


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